Lien Lawyers, PLLC
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About Lien Lawyers, PLLC

Lien Lawyers, PLLC was founded with the goal of providing quality legal assistance to businesses in the construction industry at a reasonable price. A mechanic’s lien is a powerful tool meant to protect construction businesses who have not been paid for work they have performed. Before Lien Lawyers, there were functionally two ways a small construction business could file a lien. First, a small construction business could purchase forms online and attempt to file the lien itself. Unfortunately, the requirements to properly file a lien are numerous and compliance with the rules set out by the Texas Property Code can be complex. An inexperienced business preparing its own lien documents runs the risk of making a mistake that could invalidate the lien in its totality.

The second option is hiring a traditional law firm to prepare the lien documents on behalf of your business. While this option likely ensures that your lien documents will be compliant with Texas law, the costs can sometimes be exorbitant. This is where Lien Lawyers, PLLC comes into play. Lien Lawyers, PLLC is a modern law firm that will ensure your documents are prepared correctly by a licensed attorney and for a flat, reasonable fee.

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